Sea Life Society

My name is Jules and I am the founder and content creator of Sea Life Society. I created Sea Life Society so I can share my love of marine life with the world. All of the graphic images on this website are hand drawn by me using an iPad and an Apple pencil. 

My obsession with fish started when I began scuba diving in 2011 in Monterey California. After spending the majority of my early 20's working "regular" jobs. I decided to turn my love of scuba diving into a career and became a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor in 2017, which I am still in active in the industry today. 

I have spent the majority of my professional dive career in Hawaii where my love and fascination of fish grew even more.

The majority of people I take diving know little to nothing about fish. Divers seem to care more about the larger animals like sharks, turtles and rays. Or they tend to go the other route where they seek out harder to find things like Nudibranchs or rare fish. While I appreciate how truly amazing it is to see these creatures in the water, I can't help but feel that common reef fish are under appreciated.

I found that the more I understood about marine life, the more fascinating everything was! Once I started reading the fish identification books, the entire reef suddenly lit up. 

I want everyone to have the same experience. And despite how many times I tell people to actually read the fish identification books. The vast majority of people just want to look at the pretty pictures. 

The visual reference guides everyone has been using need an update. And I'm here to do it. I am committed to drawing every major fish found in the Hawaiian Islands.

I want to do things differently because people learn differently. So with this project I will be putting information out there in a variety of formats in an experiment to see what really sticks with people. 

The decision to draw every species of fish found in Hawaii is a massive undertaking and I want to be sure I give each individual fish the credit they deserve. I hand draw every animal to be sure they are as accurate as possible to their colors and characteristics. 

I'm breaking it down into sections so we can focus and learn about the fish gradually over time. My first collection is Butterfly Fish of Hawaii. I will be releasing more soon so stay tuned!!

I hope you enjoy the journey! 
